Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sun Dog trailer

with music by Kristopher Fulton & sound by Matt Stephanson

Sun Dog will be screening at the Rio Theatre in Vancouver on May 6th, 2012. Tickets can be purchased here.

I'm finished! My grad film is done and I'll be graduating from University next week. Kinda stunned, happy and sad (because I'll miss friends) about everything. Up next is sleeping, festival research and updating my blog and website. I've been neglecting the outside world for the past month and I can't wait to show everyone what I've been doing.

Monday, March 19, 2012

A few WIP shots

A wild post appears! I've been working very hard to meet my locked picture deadline for animation plus I'm keeping everything password protected now which is why this blog went silent for awhile. I'm pretty happy with it so far. Just enough time to get a few revisions in before I send it to sound and music. :)  It feels really weird to play it all back and suddenly there's a film there. But a good kind of weird.
So my most recent work apart from the daunting task of clean up and colour is layouts and colour keys. These are my works in progress before tidying them up in After Effects.

Going to disappear back into my tiny living space until I resurface with a trailer in April.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December Review Panels


(with scratch tracks from Coraline OTS and Sigur Ros to test out music tension and placement)



Production Schedule

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Visuals Update

My new animatic WIP was too big for Vimeo so I'm taking the opportunity to stall posting it and fine tune it some more after this weeks critique. Here is my visual progress instead! Colour palettes still need tweaking.

wip for review panel footage.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

animatic WIP

I've revamped the story and begun piecing together a new animatic. There are missing scenes and boards so check out my proposal description to get filled in. Sigur Ros mash up  for funsies! Everything is better with Sigur Ros.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Project Proposal

Here is the revised project proposal. (Please excuse some redundancy from previous posts.)


Production Schedule


Work-In-Progress Animatic

Some sequences are not boarded yet and have been marked with a black as a placeholder. Refer to the story synopsis in the description to help fill in the blanks for the time being.
For this draft I made a Sigur Ros mash up to get some music ideas flowing. Please refer to this earlier draft  for more environmental and scratch sounds.

Sample Visuals

Working from reference images. Trying to nail a hair silhouette for Cara. Plus puppies!

A new character turn for Cara.

A Sun Dog animation test.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Summer Update

So it begins... fourth year.

Over the summer I did some on location research for my film and some audio recording. My brain needed a vacation so I left story out of my Summer To Do List (although I thought about it anyway...)

Here's a quick summary of what I did:

My Dad served as some voice talent for opening narration. Here's a revised intro for the film.

Fisgard Lighthouse is the perfect location reference! These are a selection of reference images I took. Too bad they wouldn't let me go up to the top.  :( Next time I will call ahead.

I also built a texture library using various surfaces on the lighthouse. It includes some of the original floor boards.

A new character turn for Cara.